Sleep well
People nowadays don't sleep the hours they need, and it's because the everyday tasks and the social media. Going to school or to work makes us really tired and we need some rest, but when we arrive home the first thing we do is check our mobile phones and social media, so we can't rest at all.
A person needs to sleep at least 8h per day and the most of the people only sleep 6 hours more or less. Sleeping well is very important, speacially if we are growing up. Our body needs to rest and get ready for an other day of activities. That's why doctors recommend us to leave our mobile devices and turn them off, so we can sleep better.
dimarts, 14 de març del 2017
My say
Why Putin is world's most powerful man
The power of a head of state is determined both by the country's strength and the capacity he or she has to exercise that power, unilaterally, unconstrained by other institutions, parties and political forces. And combining those two metrics, it's easy to see why Vladimir Putin rises to the top of list.
The entire structure of Russian political power rests on one man.
To understand Putin, you have to understand Russia. The last hundred years for that country have seen the fall of the monarchy, the collapse of democracy, the great depression, World War II with its tens of millions of Russians dead, Stalin's totalitarian brutalities, the collapse of communism, the breakup of the Soviet Union, and Boris Yeltsin's years of chaos and corruption.
Then comes Vladimir Putin, who ushers in stability and, in popular perception, rising standards of living and increasing prominence and respect in the world. That respect is important.
MY OPINION: I agree with this post because Vladimir Putin has showed to the wolrd that he is a very powerful man, and he makes the most difficult desicions of his country.
My say
Eat healthy

Being healthy is so important, specially now that fast food industries have become more popular between people. Sometimes eating fast food is good, why not? But eating it regularly is not. We need to reduce our comsumption because fast food bring us nothing but bad news. It makes you weaker and ill every time you eat it, you gain weigth and you are more vulnerable to any type of healthy illness.
We are free to eat anything we want but always being concious of what we are eating.
Start being "green" and add vegetables to your diet, i will make you feel good with yourself and it'll help you to live longer. I'm not the most healthier person in the world, but i've started eating more vegetables and fruit and i feel completly different and more confident with myself.
So i really think that eating healthy is very important in our lifes!

Teen suicide on the rise amongst Canadian girls
In early 2016, five teenagers from Woodstock, Ontario killed themselves in just as many months, leaving not only their family but the community as a whole bewildered with grief.
Across the country, suicide amongst teen girls and young women is on the rise, while male suicide in the same age group declines, according to data released by Statistics Canada on Thursday.
Health experts have long been concerned with the prevalence of suicide amongst young men. It has been called a "silent epidemic" and for good reason. In 2013, men were three times as likely to kill themselves as women, the latest data shows. Studies indicate that there is a strong link between a history of sexual abuse and suicide attempts.
MY OPINION: I think that people should be more concerned about these news, because these suicides are not normal. Sexual abuse is a problem that has been chasing us for years and we need to stop it before it gets even worse.
3 new words:
My Say
I want to talk about feminism because it is a relevant topic this year. Women has become a crucial paper in every aspect. Being a woman nowadays is very dangerous and in some countries is still seen as a sin and as a curse.
I'm glad of being a girl but it's very hard to go aigainst the justice without any support.
I want to say out loud that women have the same matter as men and we can do exactly the same stuff they do. Being a woman is never a sin or a curse, we are a blessing and together we're stronger. Being a feminist means to fight and believe in and for the social, political and economic equality of the sexes.
Quiz: What's your personal fashion?
I agree with the results, because i usually dress with an urban style and i really like it. But my personal fashion is all mixed, i don't wear the same type of clothes all the time.
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